Friday, 14 August 2009

Angels and Demons

There are certain entities floating around that, to us, have a symbiotic relationship that can help or harm you... severely. These entities have no physical form of their own so in order to taste life, must inhabit a host. The host has what the entity needs: a consciousness, a body, a life and essentially an existence.

We are, of course, the host as we have what they need in order to experience life. The thing is, as conscious creatures, we are the keepers of our own doorways and we are the ones who decide who or what we let in and who remains outside. Just like the legend of the vampire in which the victim must voluntarily invite the vampire into the house. Otherwise it cannot enter. It is clear that you would not invite a demon into your body knowingly so the demon is indirect and uses temptations to distract and seduce.

The name that we most commonly use to describe these entities is “habits” and you can recognize when you have a habit because you find yourself acting spontaneously and pretty much unconsciously. Take a look at a smoker and you will find a person seemingly possessed who will reach for the tobacco without the slightest thought. I remember doing hypnotic therapy to a person who constantly bit their nails until they were bleeding. They would consciously pull their hand away from their mouth only to put it back moments later. The habit robs the individual of their consciousness and offers a kind of short term satisfaction as its reward.

Smoking is the name of a well known demon. It hides within the individual whispering its temptations and provoking them to hand over their consciousness. The demon wins more times than not and as anyone who has given up smoking will know, it will fight to the last to maintain its sovereignty. You might like to use the word “addiction” as it also describes demon infestation. People can be addicted to being right, and this can cost you your relationships or your job. You could be addicted to having the last word or your pride which never allows you to admit that you are wrong or that you acted badly or made a poor decision. These are all demonic energies and symptomatic of a demon living out your consciousness.

All the time while you are performing the actions of these demons, you can hear the voice of your consciousness calling out from the background. It is like it has been shut in a quiet room and told that the door is locked. The door is not locked. Christian mythology refers to the devil as the “Prince of Lies” so you can be sure that lying is a real speciality and a demonic energy. We all know that when we actually apply our will, we can overcome any habit.

Angels also inhabit the same plane and they too offer us habits. There is rather a different sensation when one allows an angel to inhabit us. Again it must be invited by the host but something radically changes as a result. Rather than filling us with shame, giving us momentary satisfaction and causing long term detriment as in the case of the demons, the angels fill us with god force, enthusiasm, long term benefit and provoke no negative consequences. Take for example something like yoga, exercise, meditation, painting or playing a musical instrument, hard work within a job in which you express your deepest nature. All of these things can become a habit which fulfills the criteria of angelic energy. We share the earth plane with these entities and habits are a reality so by knowing their nature and understanding that we are constantly opening the door to one or another in every moment, we can exercise the other angelic force, that of decision making, with greater clarity.

The demons like nothing better than to cloud the decision making process. As a result of this they like nothing better that to form habits around substances and practices that do just that: alcohol is a prime example of this as is hashish and other recreational drugs. They form social groups around these drugs and thus exploit the human tendency towards loyalty. The person thus will defend his habits and social group loyally even if it is killing them and robbing them of life every day.

So be aware of the energy vampires that reside within your own body. Be aware and remember to choose. Remember that the door is not locked and you can reclaim your power, your choice, your vital life energy and your consciousness.

Brendan C Clarke

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