Wednesday 4 June 2014

The Need to Change your Ways

Sometimes we know we have to change but we don't know anything: We don't know what we want or why we want it. all we really know is that change must come and it must come soon.

I, for one, have felt like this. This is life sending you a message. It comes straight to your heart as a feeling that permeates your body and sould at all levels and it's a feeling htat you wont be able to shake off in a million years. Jean paul Sartre called this feeling "Nausea" and it meant a knawing feeling that something is wrong - a feeling that you are just following the patterns of behaviour or your programmingb and yet it doesn't feel like it's really you. The YOU that needs to be expressed is frustrated and in great need of expression. Perhaps you try different things to make yourself feel better. There are many temporary solutions that you can turn to. Some turn to beer and wine, whisky and vodka, Gin and Fire water of all kinds. Intoxication is, of course, a way to distract the mind from that burning lack of satisfaction that rots your life fromt he inside. Although you can argue that a little intoxication is no bad thing, the reality is that each and every moment that you are not truly living your life but putting yourself into a state of anestaesia, you are allowing life to pass you by. So the need to change is a feeling that you need to pay heed to. pay great attention and take the process seriously.

The feeling doesn't need to be put to sleep or distracted. IT needs TO BE SUFFERED IN GREAT INTENSITY  and this you have to keep going with until something finally breaks and you smash those chains that have been holding back and trapping you in mediocrity.

But soft! After you have suffered it in great intensity, you really need to do someting different. The purpose of suffering is to alert you to the WRONG  path and to give you the shove you need into the right path. so sure, we certainly do need a time in which the negative is our focus so that we are clear about the nature and the face of the wrong path. The wrong path was probably the easy road for you in some way or other. so throw it away, and when you throw away the old path, you have to throw away the suffering as well. Throw away everything about the old path, including the conclusions, beliefs, values and doubts that you got as a result of the old way. Have the power to throw it all away and put your heart and sould into the new way. See it, want it, desire it, plan it, create it and... have a wonderful time
And then... suddenly... we have no time at all to lament over the past or regret anything at all. You are like WAAAAAY too busy thinking about and visualising and planning and acting on your wonderful new action plan. That nausea will fade away and you will feel good but one thing. Nausea is a gift from god for sure. It will be back one day. Maybe next time it will be nauea with your relationship, your job you lifestyle or your... something else. Be ready. Nausea is not your enemy. It is your savior... as long as you know how to use it, take the learning and then... Throw it away.
